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I have a new book "Living Happily Jesus' Hidden Life - The spirituality of Charles de Foucauld in Light of the Beatitudes"

The book is about the extraordinary spiritual journey of Blessed Charles de Foucauld, who found Joy and Happiness in the hidden life of Jesus as a way to holiness.

The book is available from Amazon

Living Happily Jesus' Hidden Life





Let us rejoice and be glad, because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Those who crucified Jesus thought he was a liar and blasphemer; they assumed that he was just a pretender who took himself for the Son of God.

In crucifying him on the cross, they believed to punish him and burry the dream of which he was the bearer. But in truth, they were wrong and Jesus was right.

Jesus is really the son of God and the Savior of the world. He is a trustworthy and a truthful servant of God. His teachings and actions come truly from the Father who sent him.  His passion and the death were part of God’s plan for the salvation of the world.

Of course, there was the sorrow of Good Friday with its tears and grief, but that was not an end in itself. That was just a prelude to the great event of his resurrection, because it is only when a grain of wheat falls in the ground and dies that it can produce much fruit (John 12:24). Did not Jesus himself say that whoever believes in him will not die and even if he dies, he will live (John 11:25-26)?

The Death of Jesus on the cross was not a punishment at all, but rather a gift that the Father gave to the world for the forgiveness of sin. By rising Jesus from the dead, the Father confirms him as the mediator between heaven and earth and the only one in the name of whom salvation is brought to mankind.

The resurrection of our Lord is the foundation of our faith and the key that unlocks the mystery of the Church. It is also the beacon that enlightens the mystery of our own life. From now on, we know for sure that our life is hidden with our Lord Jesus Christ, in God.

When everything of what we have built on earth comes, one day, to an end, we still have a brilliant future in God’s house. That day, we will clearly see, with our own eyes, what we dimly perceive as in mirror.

That day we will clearly understand, with our own mind, the purpose for which God has created us, namely to live with him forever and to share in the resurrection of our Lord.

Happy Easter to all! Alleluia!


Rev. Felicien I. Mbala, PhD., STD

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